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    Prices and Booking 2021

    Prices per night

    1 cat...............................................£11.00

    2 cats sharing..............................£18.00

    3 cats sharing - larger unit.........£24.00

    4 cats sharing - larger unit.........£30.00

    Diabetic cats................................£14.00

    Please Note - Minimum charge £30

    Only cats from the same household may share units

    Long term boarding at reduced rates

    Booking for one week or more during peak summer season and Christmas must be accompanied by a £30 deposit.

    Payment of fees is due at time of collection of cats.

    Payment may be made by cash or cheque. Please note that we do not take card payments.

    At Christmas, New Year and Easter the minimum fee is the equivalent of five nights boarding.

    If a booking is cancelled with less than 14 days to go, 50% of the fee is payable. This increases to 100% during July, August, Christmas and Easter.

    Failure to arrive for a booking will result in the full fee due for the entire booking being payable.

    Collection or delivery of cats can be arranged - a charge per mile will apply

    Opening Hours

    Monday-Saturday ......................8.30 a.m. - 10.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. - 6.30 p.m.

    Sundays and Bank Holidays ...................................9.00 a.m. - 10.00 a.m.

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